Chris McCann

What is your job at Radius Tech Solutions?

My role within Radius Technology Solutions is Head of Support.

Why did you choose a career in IT?

I stumbled into IT, going through school and college I didn’t really know what I wanted to do. I really enjoyed learning about technology and computer systems and so I am glad I chose this career path.

What is your favourite piece of technology and why?

I am a self-confessed wire hater, and so anything that can be made wireless is always a good piece of technology!

What is the most common problem you see clients facing?

One of the most common issues I see with clients is them falling behind with the pace of the technology world. With the improvements to AI and continuous system updates, it is common for many businesses to fall short.

What experience do you have in your field?

I have 20 years of experience working in IT, 12 of which are at Management level.

Do you have any specialisms that could benefit clients?

I see myself as an ‘all-rounder’, my years of experience have allowed me to build up skills in all areas of IT, although I particularly enjoy working with business systems and maximising efficiency for clients.

What do you do outside of work?

When I'm not at work I like to spend time with my young family, typically at the park or playing football in the garden! Although its safe to say, I chose the right career path as I would have never made it pro!